Who Works? Moved in the end of 2020 from the Netherlands to Winnipeg, Canada. Many changes, with many opportunities is the best way i could describe my start in an Winnipeg Winter. Loving to work outdoors and not afraid to put my hands to work, to help out the ones who could use some extra hands! Tree Removals and taking care of the yard is during the spring, summer and fall seasons my biggest focus. The trees should flourish, the flowers bloom and gardens will bring forth produce. Nature does know very well how to grow, however it does not always consider it's environment in the way we would like to see it. Branches overhanging an house and damaging the shingles? Grass overgrown? Little trees growing in the Eaves? Even the house shifting a little every year and starting to collect all the water from the yard? Time to clean up a garage or basement and bring it to the landfill? Digging tunnels in the snow? With two extra hands, a truck and dumptrailer and with almost every tool needed I would like to help with making your home and yard in top shape. Preventive Maintenance will take care of all these things before they turn into a big job with a big bill. Mainly operating in Winnipeg, but available for all of Manitoba, even if the only way to get there is by kayak!